Saturday, March 12, 2011

School Journal - Iraq and Israel

Well, alas...I don't have any pictures to share with you for any of the last two weeks of work, but we have been working! We've continued in Asia with Iraq and Israel. The curriculum that we've been using didn't have any country study on any of the Middle Eastern Muslim nations, so I thought we'd take a little time and focus on Iraq since that one is in the news a lot and the kids need to have some knowledge of what's going on over there. Israel is just a good one to focus on because of the Jewish faith and our own faith. I kinda didn't get any meal made for either country, but we read books about each country and literature stories from them as well. We also drew or painted a picture of a mosque and the Star of David. We did the flag and map work and watched a video about families living in those countries. The kids haven't been too interested in the websites for some reason. Z only likes them if there is a game to play - so I kinda haven't pushed that, but they like the videos and reading. Some books we enjoyed reading were Magic Tree House -  Season of the Sandstorm (set in Baghdad) and The Bronze Bow (set in Bible times). We got others from the library, but these two were faves of the kids.


We'll study Russia next and then we'll do Australia!

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